Archives for posts with tag: poetry

My first spoken word was performed at the Open Mic night on February 6, 2016. It was organized by Write CY at Prozac café, Nicosia – Cyprus.
I’m sorry for the way it was filmed (the place was packed). I also have stage fright and I was quite nervous, so I didn’t perform as it was intended, but it’s a start!

For more info on:
Write CY–
Prozac Cafe–


Hope you like it…


This poem was a collaboration between me (E.) and my friend (M.) over 5 years ago. I remember we were bored one afternoon and decided to do this.. Enjoy!

A tale set in divided lands,

Where forces never seem to join hands,

Two angels opt to seek a middle ground,

To merge all the fighting forces found.

Both discuss in a harmonious voice,

All the virtues of life and the sins,

Where everyone has his choice,

And here is where the story begins;

Look, dark angel, at that man,

He can do everything he can,

He’s the human who’s supposed to be,

And now it’s time to turn to thee.

Behold, shining angel, behold

At wars, death, and hell

That, from that same mind, unfold,

And into deep holes, everyone has fell.

Thou eyes yet fail to see

The massacres, murder and misery.

Thou tongue utters happiness,

Yet I, for one, see not but utter mess.

So speak and be convincing,

How smiles are not merely shrinking.

Happiness comes from no money or gold,

Happiness can never be bought or sold,

Even in massacres, murder and misery,

There’s always a glimpse of it to see,

Or feel or even hold in hand,

If you truly, its meaning, understand.

Look at the world, what do you see?

I see the world like it should be,

Look at that colorful lovely nature,

Oh mighty God, how he drew that picture,

Can’t you see the wonders floating around?

Can’t you hear the music wherever it’s found?

What music, that, which you speak of?

It’s all chaos, that’s what I hear;

Hurricanes, storms and thunders from above,

No note, no rhythm that is clear.

Fires flame, blaze and devour,

Don’t you see that destructive power?

Life is both breath and death,

Both chaos and harmony,

Both God and Seth,

So why fight? Ain’t it silly?

No matter what life may give

Go ahead and just live

No rhythm, no music that is clear,

Because my angel, you’re not willing to hear,

Life speaks to you in many ways,

As long as there’s continuity of days.

No matter how many times you feel sad,

Or how much life becomes bad,

I admit this is part of living,

It’s just a matter of listening.

Two angels opt to seek a middle ground,

Now we admit, it is found.

Hand in hand, no more divided,

All has become one,

A middle ground, so enchanted,

Is newly born in this infinite cosmic bun.

And so ends a tale,

Hopefully, becoming reality,

Seeking a better will unveil,

A life, full of clarity.

Light angel by M.

Dark angel by E.

But not a teardrop nor
A waterfall
Can subdue the burn my heart feels
As it misses your breath, your touch, your smile.

And not a teardrop nor
The whole words in this universe
Will remove the agony of the thoughts of feeling you
Spinning restlessly in my poor mind!!

It aches to miss you, my love!
It aches to have the thought!
It aches to even think of ache itselfナ

A choice holds us prisoners,
And I wait on eternity,
And dream upon the stars,
That when the choice is made,
We both find what our hearts desire
For they have stopped beating,
Our thoughts, in confusion.

Patience, my love!
We shall find the beat someday,
It will clear up someday!

(December 27, 2011)

I apologize for not posting in a while. Life squeezes the, uh, life out of you sometimes, and you get caught up by the mess.

I hope you enjoy this poem.

It came to me as I juggled

My studying and my thoughts.

It came to me

That I needed to reminisce.

Of sweet past,

Of old friends I left behind,

Left stuck there at the back of my mind.

Those thoughts of future drowned

With every bleeding of my ink.

I could feel the unmistakably cold,

Yet soothingly warm,

Touch of the past grab hold.

I let it in,

I let my heart to its will.

“Come let me take you;

The base of the glass of rum

Shows more than the top”

Glass after cold glass,

It came to me.

I stopped juggling

I stopped reminiscing.

And I indulged in the

Beauty of my ink.

It scribbled and washed away

My thoughts, my worries,

My past, my future,

My love, my loss,

And my self.

And I felt whole again.


links to: Part 1, Part 2Part 3Part 4, and Part 5

The end of the journey. I hope you’ve enjoyed!


Words promised to love you as much it can,

And this heart will keep that promise.

Dreams stayed drunk from the thoughts of you,

And days longed for dreams to light its misery.

But days turned to nights,

And dreamers had to wake up to light.

It all seemed like a summer’s mist;

Tis brief, cool and warm,

Tis an end to the dream.

What seemed nonsense was logic

But now no logic or nonsense prevails,

Instead the bitterness of reality.

Alas, tis the end of a dream,

Yet the promise remains,

And hope, as it hopefully would seem,

Lingers for a new dream,

A new longing,

A brighter morning,

After a starry night,

With a blooming moon,

And a breathtaking kiss.


links to: Part 1, Part 2Part 3, and Part 4


Me thinks I fell in love with your thought

And loved the thought of loving you

And loving you became so true.

Until I hugged those arms,

Until I touched your body,

Until I unfolded reality’s charms.

I found that I hugged… Nothing!

I found a drop of bitterness in your thoughts.

And as I slept in each other’s arms,

I realized what i dreaded the most;

A starless sky, a dark-less night,

A fading kiss, a withering moon.

I thought a lover’s kiss would echo

And light every street of this city,

But this isn’t how I thought it’d go

Tis beyond my understanding, my sanity.

I have kissed a star in dreams

But a black hole in reality,

Hugged my world and all beauty

But came to you and felt screams,

For I had hugged emptiness.

Me thought this soul fell for you,

Me thought your love was all it knew,

But me thought what dreams had to be

And dreams are for closed eyes to see.

But mine heart opened and looked

And found you not he who holds the key,

But he whose thought made me hooked.


links to: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3


I sat wishing

Upon the stars in your eyes,

Upon the moon dust on your lips

Upon the glimmering pearls in your smiles.

I sat there and wandered off

Upon the sails of your thought

Upon the wings of your embrace.

And I sat there,

And sat there,


And I saw that

Night will wake to see your beauty

And day will sleep to dream of you.

I saw that,

And so much more, even beyond sanity

Even beyond that and beyond that too.

I sat there speechless,

I inhaled those thoughts, yet breathless,

I figured I’m saying nonsense,

Loving you made no sense.

Yet for once, I never want to make sense anymore

I just want to love you forevermore.


For part 1, click here. For part 2, click here.


With sparkling eyes I watch upon thee

And listen to every heartbeat with glee.

Tis time that heavens have rested

In a soul so pure, so untainted.

Stars grow determined

To be, even in daylight skies, eternally pinned.

For their eyes haven’t seen a soul so bright,

Or a heart so drunk on the spirit’s might.

Dreams have escaped the land of slumber

And under the sun, they increase in number

For they have found a dream beyond the dream

A dream even beyond that, as weird as it’d seem.


For Part 1, press here


No space between you and me

Not a few moments or eternity,

Can silence my echoes

Or break cupid’s arrows.

Tis weird that I can rhyme again,

Seems like a long time that I could,

But it’s no longer a mystery when

Tis ‘cause of you, that my heart stood.

I can feel every moment once more,

And to love you as much as I can, this I swore!


Blessed are the mornings in which

My eyes open to singing birds,

And my mind, your thoughts bewitch.

I come to think of words

But none can come out,

I can neither talk nor shout,

For my heart beats so fast

And my love for you grows vast.


This was written a long time ago, I thought I’d post it in parts (6 parts in total) though, because it was written in the course of 4 months so it seemed appropriate.


There are no words or a few

To tell how much I’m missing you.

But in your dreams I will

Hold you and be there forever still.

Baby, close your eyes a while

And I’ll cast upon your heart a thousand smiles.


My prayer echoes through every tree I walk through

That someday, I’m going to see you and love you.

And the birds sing for me as I pace in the forest,

And I feel you and hear your breath in every twilight mist.

Every dream I dream, and every breath I take while asleep

Brings me back to the thoughts of you.
