Archives for posts with tag: life

I had this thought once, that out of the 7 billion+ people of the world, you can find one person whose back story is something you’d only hear about in fiction. Stories that seem so implausible or outrageous that you can’t believe they actually exist, but they do!

This series of short stories/scenarios will deal with exactly that. I will be posting a couple of paragraphs every other post (I hope) about a random person of the world, I might or might not have met, heard of, seen, thought of… you name it. I promise that whatever I write will not be exaggeration no matter how unlikely it may seem to the reader. BUT the world is a bizarre place, and humans even more bizarre. Note that names will be, for one reason or the other, completely made up.

What I would like from the readers, however, is to share their opinions, analyses, thoughts or even their story or someone else’s (of course remaining anonymous, if they’d wish to be). There will not be any judgement, nor bashing, nor shaming, only sincere objective descriptions of the situation each person might face in the story. Just try to empathize with the person in the story no matter how different from you they might be. Don’t judge, don’t hate, just imagine and listen.

I hope you like this.

“Waking up” is a collaboration between M. and me. It was written by taking turns; whenever one stops, the other continues. We’ll be posting the rest of the story as we write it. Enjoy!



The alarm went off for the eighth time. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to wake up. Yesterday, he had wasted a day, and he wasn’t planning on doing so today.

The sound of his alarm rang loudly into his ears but not his mind nor his eyes. He finally opened his eyes to a ghostly clock on the wall and his sister’s face trying to wake him up.

“I’m supposed to wake up by myself, dweeb.”

“The alarm was starting to get annoying, you know. Get your butt up so it would stop.”

“Well excuse me for trying to put a proper schedule for myself for once. Go back to your precious bed!”

“I will, asshole. I was up all night and I’m seriously exhausted!”

“Well, boohoo. Cry me a river. I’m exhausted from sleeping, how about we switch places and you see what it feels like?”

“Whatever!” she says as she slams the door behind her.

Exhausted from sleep and tired from people “understanding him”, he pulls himself lazily into the shower. He steals a peak at the mirror in the hallway between the bedroom and the bathroom.

“A bit of concealer will fix those bags up,” he blurts into his reflection.

“You’re a guy, you can’t put concealer!” Joann shouts from the other bedroom.

“Shut up and go to sleep, dweeb.”

What else am I supposed to do? It’s a good thing I’m awake to begin with. I’ll have a quick shower and hopefully get some things done today.

The hot water massages his back and it feels so relaxing. Today he’ll reply to some emails regarding work, try to figure out what to do with his courses, talk to some of his teachers and explain the situation again, and put some guidelines on how he should proceed with studying.

He should also get done with the doctor’s visit he has been postponing for so long.

There might be a new medicine or a new drug that would destroy my all-time sleepiness.

 He turns off the water and steps out of the tub reaching for the red towel. He owns a lot of red stuff; Clothes, shoes, car … etc. He does not like red though. He hates it in fact, because it keeps reminding him of his condition, yet keeps his senses awakened when in need.

He goes into the bedroom. Reaching for the closet, he grabs an ordinary t-shirt and shorts but then decides to change the t-shirt.

You can’t wear something old and torn. What if you end up sleeping in the hospital like last time?

Keys in hand, wallet in back pocket, phone in left front pocket, medical bracelet in right hand, and lucky necklace around his neck. He checks three times to make sure and heads out. He should always remember not to fall asleep.

It’s a silly useless thought, but let’s go with that for now.

A few blocks down the road, he notices that the check engine light is on. He swears under his breath.

How evil can fate be!

Even his engine light reminds him of an abnormality. He ignores.

Reaching for the keys, he opens his pharmacy door and flips the OPEN sign, even if his mind was shutting in. He makes sure everything is okay and calls his two assistants; two sweet girls who help him with his studies when he is in need.

M. & E.





All I have to say about this is: mesmerizing!

Share and enjoy!

This poem was a collaboration between me (E.) and my friend (M.) over 5 years ago. I remember we were bored one afternoon and decided to do this.. Enjoy!

A tale set in divided lands,

Where forces never seem to join hands,

Two angels opt to seek a middle ground,

To merge all the fighting forces found.

Both discuss in a harmonious voice,

All the virtues of life and the sins,

Where everyone has his choice,

And here is where the story begins;

Look, dark angel, at that man,

He can do everything he can,

He’s the human who’s supposed to be,

And now it’s time to turn to thee.

Behold, shining angel, behold

At wars, death, and hell

That, from that same mind, unfold,

And into deep holes, everyone has fell.

Thou eyes yet fail to see

The massacres, murder and misery.

Thou tongue utters happiness,

Yet I, for one, see not but utter mess.

So speak and be convincing,

How smiles are not merely shrinking.

Happiness comes from no money or gold,

Happiness can never be bought or sold,

Even in massacres, murder and misery,

There’s always a glimpse of it to see,

Or feel or even hold in hand,

If you truly, its meaning, understand.

Look at the world, what do you see?

I see the world like it should be,

Look at that colorful lovely nature,

Oh mighty God, how he drew that picture,

Can’t you see the wonders floating around?

Can’t you hear the music wherever it’s found?

What music, that, which you speak of?

It’s all chaos, that’s what I hear;

Hurricanes, storms and thunders from above,

No note, no rhythm that is clear.

Fires flame, blaze and devour,

Don’t you see that destructive power?

Life is both breath and death,

Both chaos and harmony,

Both God and Seth,

So why fight? Ain’t it silly?

No matter what life may give

Go ahead and just live

No rhythm, no music that is clear,

Because my angel, you’re not willing to hear,

Life speaks to you in many ways,

As long as there’s continuity of days.

No matter how many times you feel sad,

Or how much life becomes bad,

I admit this is part of living,

It’s just a matter of listening.

Two angels opt to seek a middle ground,

Now we admit, it is found.

Hand in hand, no more divided,

All has become one,

A middle ground, so enchanted,

Is newly born in this infinite cosmic bun.

And so ends a tale,

Hopefully, becoming reality,

Seeking a better will unveil,

A life, full of clarity.

Light angel by M.

Dark angel by E.

The Huffington Post has posted an entry on Pyrosomes in their Green section (link).

I thought I’d tell you a little about this genus of “animal”

Pyrosomes include a variety of pelagic tunicates. What that means is they exist far from the shore (pelagic part) and are sea invertebrates that are part of the tunicata subphylum (tunicates part). The genus Pyrosoma currently includes a wide list of species, subspecies and subgenera (link).

In simplistic terms, pyrosomes are cone-shaped colonnies, made up of hundreds of thousands of indvidual zooids that spawn from a single egg. zooids are minuscule  multicellular animals  (few millimeters in size) that join in a gelatinous tunic that ultimately form the pyrosome.

Pyrosomes can span from a few centimeters to several meters in length (pictures below).

Those “spikes” are papillae on the individuals making up the colony. The way this animal feeds is by filtration of outside water through each zooid. It feeds on microscopic plant cells (plankton).

And the more interesting part is that they are bio-luminescent. They glow an intense blue-green in the dark (pink is basically a natural color not that it’s glowing), particularly when disturbed.

Pyrosomes have been called “the unicorns of the sea” by Marine biologist Rebecca Helm, because they are so rare to spot. that is why the HuffPost decided to talk about them and show a recent video of them.

It is truly marvelous how creatures of the earth have evolved and branched so beautifully. It makes it the more horrible how we as humans tend to wipe off some of these animals (not pyrosomes per se but countless other animals). I thought I’d leave you with this video of the 10 rarest and most endangered animals.

The take away message of this? Preserve life on earth. It is too precious to waste. A shout out to WWF @world_wildlife for their work on trying to protect nature.


Our first post is both one that inspires us to be more than observers of life, and gives us a few things to think about.

This video was used in an earlier event by the Club. The event was “A Broader View of Evolution” in which we talked about the different kinds of theories that explain – or negate – the concept of evolution. In addition to the short documentary created by our own club members, there was a small exhibition portraying the evolutionary lifetime, from the first ever biological molecule up to us, humans.

Here, Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer.

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