During the Fall Semester of the 2012/2013 academic year, the Science meets Art (SMA) Club has launched a campaign intended to spread knowledge – knowledge that so many students lack.

The term knowledge is inclusive of information from books, newspapers, periodicals, journals (scientific, artistic, business…), websites, blogs, podcasts, talk shows, or audio-visual reports concerned with objective, professional exposés of local and/or global topics of interest.

This idea was inspired and developed from a similar campaign where books are left on benches and tables for people to take home, read, and then place in another spot for someone else to take and so on.

On that basis, we, the club members, have designed a plan to (1) photocopy a small interesting paragraph or chapter of any book we can find, on any and all subjects, (2) select particular articles from journals, blogs, links to podcasts and other sites, and (3) post such material in designated areas around campus, so that anyone, student, faculty or staff, may pick up whatever he/she deems interesting, read it, recommend it to a friend and then maybe add to our campaign similar material of his/her own. By doing so, we would have spread and shared knowledge everyone has; we would have truly contributed to the creation of an open-access source of information for all. As a side-note, club officials pledge not to breach any copyright through this campaign (find out more by visiting this link.)

As the campaign neared its end, and with the officials moving on from university, this blog is being rebooted by a former official and a friend. In hopes of continuing the tradition of the campaign, we would like to welcome you to this blog that will include all sorts of posts that vary from literature, to internet comedy.

We would also like to encourage each and everyone of you who’s read this to contribute to our campaign with material that has impacted you personally – material that you firmly believe would impact others who have not read it yet. For purposes of submission of new material, kindly visit the Contact Us page as well.

We thank you for your support, and we hope this event interests you.

SMA Officials.